Safeguarding Human Well-Being and Empowering Innovation
A message from our CEO, Christopher J. O'Connor
Humanetics' purpose is to ensure human well-being is at the forefront of technological advancement and at the heart of everything we do. It’s the same purpose that inspires all innovation and exploration: the desire to discover the unknown, alleviate suffering, and strive for progress in speed, health and sustainability.
Our commitment to human-centric design, which we refer to as "human-in-the-loop," has never been more crucial than it is today. While innovation, technology and the emergence of transformative AI systems typically bring about positive enhancements in product quality, performance and efficiency, we acknowledge that this isn't always the case. Daily headlines highlighting catastrophic safety oversights, perpetuated gender biases in safety protocols, and generative AI language models trained on incomplete data remind us that with every two steps forward, unforeseen challenges can bring us one step back. This realization fuels our unwavering passion for our purpose - to advance innovation and protect human well-being.
Recent years have marked a significant transformation for Humanetics. After two decades of developing finite element models of our crash test dummies, about one third of our business is now software and digitally based. We have set up specialized Digital and Safety groups and recruited some of the best digital talent to focus on the acceleration of our software capabilities. We welcomed Human Solutions with its flagship RAMSIS product, the go-to ergonomics software for designing comfortable and safe transportation experiences in cars, trucks and planes, and iSize, the world’s largest database of human 3D body scans. Last year we also launched our first commercial Human Body Model designed to be used in rapid occupant safety simulations that now take hours, not days.
Our digital-first solutions complement our hardware offerings, providing a comprehensive toolkit for improved industrial design catering to diverse occupant profiles. By prioritizing inclusivity in safety development for individuals of all demographics, we will see fewer fatalities and injuries.
We are also experiencing increased demand for our advanced crash test dummies that mark a new era of safety design and injury prevention, fueled by enhanced data capabilities. Our reimagination of test device management, certification procedures and crash tests through innovative tools and IoT software platforms promises a future where smart data management is streamlined, time-efficient and guarantees the prompt availability of certified devices.

In the realm of active safety testing, we have designed and delivered an entire portfolio of robotic platforms to simulate road users and have introduced an integrated solution that harmonizes hardware with software-driven test scenarios. This holistic approach not only enhances product quality but also streamlines maintenance processes and accelerates test development.
Within our Sensors group, our sensor and photonics technologies are in demand for applications beyond automotive. We design and manufacture unique components needed in critical environments across aerospace, clean energy generation, semi-conductor chips and biomedical applications. We are scaling solutions that use a combination of our sensors, fiber optics and precision lasers, especially in areas like Biomedical where measured data, correlated with simulation and human body models, can advance product development and create unique value for customers.
I am very excited about the future for Humanetics and the unparalleled capabilities we offer our customers. Together we will safeguard human well-being and empower innovation.
Thank you for being part of this exciting journey with us.
Warm regards,

Christopher J. O’Connor
Chris is the CEO and President of the Humanetics Group and is passionate about advancing safety. Through his leadership and mission in developing advanced technology to prevent injury and save lives, he is recognized as the “father of the modern crash test dummy” and one of the industry’s leading safety experts. Chris serves on various boards, has previously worked at several Fortune 500 Companies, and is a US Army Colonel (retired).