A history of aerospace safety
The first company that would become Humanetics began operations in 1952 and was soon developing and producing the first anthropomorphic dummy for testing air and spacecraft ejection seats, helmets and restraint systems.
It was an innovation that would give rise to our automotive crash test dummies, used by engineers since the 1960s to continually and vastly improve vehicle safety. Still, throughout our history, we have always remained committed to our first mission: aerospace safety.

Specialized Aerospace Designs
Aerospace dummies have come a long way from the rope dummies, steel link, sandbags and other crude methods used prior to the development of anthropomorphic dummies.
Today’s aerospace dummies are based on sophisticated automotive dummy designs, but with the addition of highly specialized instrumentation to test the uniquely challenging conditions experienced by humans in flight and in space. To cite just one example, we offer dummies instrumented to evaluate the dangerous limb flail that can occur during ejection.
Our goal is simple. When humans travel into the air or into space, we want them to return to earth safe and sound.
Explore our aerospace solutions below.
Aerospace Dummy Types
We provide aerospace dummies for testing crash impact safety in fixed- and rotary-wing civil aircraft, ejection seat systems for high-speed jets, military parachutes, and other applications that call for human protection against extraordinary acceleration, deceleration, collision and environmental forces.
We also supply NASA and commercial space programs with dummies for testing space suits and various features of rocket and crew cabin design.