NHTSA Update

The U.S. Spring 2024 Regulatory Agenda Confirms THOR-50M Final Rule to be Issued in 2024

THOR-5F and THOR-50MWith NHTSA moving towards incorporating the THOR-50M into CFR 49 part 572 before the year is out, the U.S. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has released the Spring 2024 Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions, confirming the ATD is slated for final rule in November 2024. The THOR-50M ATD is used in Euro NCAP, ANCAP, and C-NCAP regulations. This update is a critical step toward aligning U.S. regulations with international standards to improve vehicle safety assessments.

NHTSA is also nearing completion of their extensive testing to validate the THOR-5F female ATD, and is preparing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for its inclusion in Part 572 regulations. This marks a significant advancement in vehicle safety assessment for female occupants in the United States.

The WorldSID-50M is also closer to inclusion into Part 572 with an NPRM expected before the close of 2024, marking a crucial step in advanced side impact evaluations.

As the automotive world gears up for a safer future, NHTSA's 2024 spring agenda continues its path forward to enhanced vehicle safety.  NHTSA is  committed to cutting-edge vehicle protection, with a lineup of high-tech advanced ATDs. These new target regulatory dates also pertain to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) rulemaking and serve as precursors to the upcoming US NCAP inclusions of these advanced safety devices.

The new NPRM and Final Rule dates proposed for THOR & WorldSID ATDs include:

 Previous DateNew Date
Part 572 THOR-50M Crash Test DummyNovember 2023Nov 2024 (Final Rule)
Part 572 WorldSID-50M Crash Test DummyMarch 2024Oct 2024 (NPRM)
FMVSS No. 208 THOR-50M Compliance OptionJune 2024March 2025 (NPRM)
FMVSS No. 214 WorldSID-50M Compliance OptionSeptember 2024April 2025 (NPRM)
Part 572 THOR 5th Female Crash Test DummySeptember 2024May 2025 (NPRM)

The FMVSS No. 208 THOR-50M Compliance Option will allow the THOR-50M to be used in place of the Hybrid III 50th and the FMVSS No. 214 WorldSlD-50M Compliance Option will allow the WorldSID-50M to be used in place of the EuroSID-2re.

Other notable passive safety targets announced in the Spring 2024 agenda include Final Rule stage amendments to the Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Test Dummy and to FMVSS No. 210 to Incorporate the use of a new Force Application Device (FAD).

 Previous DateNew Date
New Force Application Device (FAD)December 2023July 2024
Hybrid III 5th Female Specification UpdatesSeptember 2023May 2025


Read the complete list of rules: Department of Transportation Agency Rule List - Spring 2024

As the automotive world gears up for a safer future, NHTSA's 2024 spring agenda continues its path forward to enhanced vehicle safety. 

A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) is published in the Federal Register, the official journal of the U.S. federal government, which allows for public notice and comment. The notice includes a period during which interested parties can provide feedback, suggestions, data, and arguments related to the proposed rule. Once NHTSA reviews and analyzes all the public comments received and conducts any necessary revisions, NHTSA finalizes the rule. The final rule is then published in the Federal Register, along with a detailed response to the public comments received, the effective date of the rule, and provides a timeline for compliance.

Learn how newer advanced crash test dummies can help Raise The Bar For Injury Prevention.



Mark Brown

Mark is the Product Marketing Manager at Humanetics Safety and works closely with Engineering and Sales to develop and refine content that is both useful and informative for our industry. With over two decades of experience in crash test dummy product Quality, Technical, Sales, and Marketing, Mark produces a wide range of media and publications including our service bulletins, webinars, editorial articles, and contributes to our marketing collateral.