- Standard System 12100
The WorldSID Fiber Optic Rib Displacement Measurement System is a next generation sensor for measuring rib deflection. By utilizing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) fiber optic technology, the FORDMS is a collection of strain sensors placed on the inner WorldSID rib. The strain measurements are used to build a rib shape representative of the actual deflection inside the dummy.
Most of the world’s current portfolio of crash test dummies use thorax rib displacement sensors that give us single point measurements that do not accurately represent the shape deformation of the rib cage. Humanetics has designed an ingenious new fiber optic rib for the WorldSID-50M ATD that uses a single optical fiber with multiple strain measurement nodes to calculate the entire rib shape. With this exciting new tool, detailed maps of ribcage shape deformation can be created that can further the science of injury measurement in anthropomorphic crash test devices.
WorldSID fiber rib systems are available for lease and purchase. Future applications for optical fiber strain measurement technology are under research and Humanetics welcomes customer partnerships to bring these visions to reality. If interested, please reach out to us with any questions!
Key Features
- Optical fiber is located inside a groove on the WSID-50M rib
- The strain of the six different sensors provides shape data of entire rib
- Optical fiber is routed outside the dummy to the data collection box inside the trunk of a car or on a sled
- An off-board computer will perform the necessary shape construction calculations
- All new components inside the dummy will fit into the current IR-TRACC package, no modifications to current dummy
- The weight and Center of Gravity of the Thorax assembly will be maintained
- Analysis software provided with product
Product Specifications
DATA COLLECTION BOX OVERALL DIMENSIONS | 360.0 x 250.0 x 330.0 mm | 14.2 x 9.8 x 13.0 in |
The fiber rib is a tool using optical fibers with multiple strain measurement nodes to calculate the entire rib shape to map ribcage shape deformation to further the science of injury measurement in anthropomorphic crash test devices.